Giving Back to Your Community
The importance of giving back to your community can have positive benefits as not only a practice builder, but can also achieve a level of self-fulfillment not often recognized.
Studies show that any act of altruism — a selfless act for others — is connected to positive physical and mental effects. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this includes lower blood pressure, increased self-esteem, less incidence of depression, lower stress levels and even longer life and greater happiness. All too often when we experience feelings of unhappiness or despair, we generally hear advice like “You need a change,” or “try something new.” We think our brains rely on change and new experiences as we seek out endorphin-releasing events or physical possessions that can help elevate our mood. But the power of giving might be a great way to wade through a sea of uncertainty and find ways to help us feel better, more confident and more valued. Research has shown through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that giving money to charity leads to similar brain activity in regions implicated in the experience of pleasure and reward.
As dentists, we have a skill set that provides us the opportunity to serve others by providing the gift of oral health care. Lack of access to care is still a prevalent and ongoing issue in our society, and only continues to rise as the American population over the age of 65 increases. With an aging population that have retained their teeth longer than previous generations along with growing expectations for good oral health-related quality of life, more older Americans are seeking dental care. To complicate matters, many adults lose their private dental insurance when they retire, leaving them with little to no coverage during a stage of life where their need for oral healthcare may be greater than ever. An improved emphasis on prevention combined with new government policies have decreased the prevalence of childhood caries the past few decades, but socioeconomic barriers still exist in the pediatric population.
Small or large, your dental practice is a valuable part of your local community with enormous potential to do good. Seek out simple ways your team can serve the people around you. This not only impacts those that are in need but also creates a strong rapport among the team as they come together for a common purpose. Consider donating your dental services to local events such as Texas Missions of Mercy (TMOM), Give Kids a Smile (GKAS) or conduct a free dental day at your office.
Connecting with your community does not have to be confined to the practice of dentistry. During the holidays, you can hold a food or toy drive to benefit the less fortunate. Your team could participate in other local charitable events such as runs, walks, or fundraisers. No matter the focus, initiating these events will positively affect your office. You, your team, your patients and your entire community will benefit!
As dentists, we have a skill set that provides us the opportunity to serve others by providing the gift of oral health care. Lack of access to care is still a prevalent and ongoing issue in our society, and only continues to rise as the American population over the age of 65 increases. With an aging population that have retained their teeth longer than previous generations along with growing expectations for good oral health-related quality of life, more older Americans are seeking dental care. To complicate matters, many adults lose their private dental insurance when they retire, leaving them with little to no coverage during a stage of life where their need for oral healthcare may be greater than ever. An improved emphasis on prevention combined with new government policies have decreased the prevalence of childhood caries the past few decades, but socioeconomic barriers still exist in the pediatric population.
Small or large, your dental practice is a valuable part of your local community with enormous potential to do good. Seek out simple ways your team can serve the people around you. This not only impacts those that are in need but also creates a strong rapport among the team as they come together for a common purpose. Consider donating your dental services to local events such as Texas Missions of Mercy (TMOM), Give Kids a Smile (GKAS) or conduct a free dental day at your office.
Connecting with your community does not have to be confined to the practice of dentistry. During the holidays, you can hold a food or toy drive to benefit the less fortunate. Your team could participate in other local charitable events such as runs, walks, or fundraisers. No matter the focus, initiating these events will positively affect your office. You, your team, your patients and your entire community will benefit!
DCDS partners with the TDA Smiles Foundation to provide a TMOM event in Dallas every two years. To volunteer for the November 4-5, 2022 event, please go to https://tmomvolunteer.org/.
DCDS partners with ADA's Give Kids a Smile to provide screenings at various DISD schools. To volunteer for the February 3, 2023 event, please go to https://www.dcds.org/events.