2020 Southwest Dental Conference Update
On behalf of Dallas County Dental Society (DCDS), our board and our entire organization, it is our solemn duty today to advise you that the 2020 Southwest Dental Conference scheduled for August 21-22 will not occur this year as an in-person meeting. We find it both impossible and illegal for DCDS to perform its obligations due to the COVID-19 crisis.
• Dallas County’s orders prohibit our event as “code red” (the highest level of public health danger).
• The majority of our attendees, exhibitors and speakers typically travel from other states, many which are not open for inter-state travel and/or require quarantine before and after travel. Many states have implemented criminal penalties for violations, and we receive news of travel bans on a daily basis.
• All of our 5,000+ attendees are governed by state restrictions on dental professionals and healthcare professionals, all of which have been recently amended to include severe penalties (some subject to criminal prosecution) if they are violated. This includes various procedures, quarantine and group gatherings.
• All of our 5,000+ attendees are medical professionals who are subject to quarantine requirements due to treating patients in risk conditions (i.e., procedures in the mouth). A violation could result in criminal prosecution, loss of medical license(s) and loss of livelihood.
• Disaster and Emergency prevent DCDS from performing due to:
a) Travel restrictions and government restrictions prohibit our attendees from coming to Dallas;
b) Professional and licensing agencies prohibit our attendees from attending the conference and/or travel and/or require quarantine.
This would have been our 93rd Conference and we always look forward to welcoming all the world class speakers, attendees and exhibitors each year.
We look forward to welcoming you at the 2021 Southwest Dental Conference scheduled for August 20-21, 2021.
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Drew Vanderbrook, President, DCDS
Dr. Elizabeth Jaynes, Chairman, 2020 SWDC