Letter from DCDS President on COVID-19
Below is a statement from the DCDS President, Dr. Brad Crump, that summarizes the TDA and ADA information that YOU need to make informed decisions regarding your offices.
Dear Dallas County Dental Society Membership,
I hope all of you have received my email that was sent out yesterday morning regarding the American Dental Associations guidelines in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Texas Dental Association has also sent out guidelines which are included in this email for your information.
The Dallas County Dental Society and the Tripartite as a whole are membership organizations, not regulatory agencies, and do not have the jurisdiction to mandate whether dental offices in Dallas County are to remain open or to close; that decision lies with the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners and Governor Abbott. We can only give recommendations and serve as a conduit to distribute information once we receive it from the bodies that hold that power.
Please rest assured that the Dallas County Dental Society is working very closely with the Texas Dental Association to get you, our member dentists, the information that you need to make informed decisions regarding your offices.
Thank You,
Brad Crump, DDS, MS
Dallas County Dental Society President
Important Links:
TDA Communications with Texas Governor: No State Mandate for Office Closures
11:00 pm Monday, March 16
ADA Nationwide Recommendation to Close Offices
6:00 pm Monday, March 16
ADA Coronavirus Resource Center for Dentists
Updated daily