Urge your Members of Congress to Repeal the Medical Device Tax
The letter below from Mike Graham, Sr. Vice-President, ADA Government and Public Affairs, is reposted here as a reminder that our dentists should act now to permanently repeal the 2.3 percent medical device tax that was created by the Affordable Care Act. It includes a link that will aid you in quickly (one minute or less) sending a standardized statement to your state representatives.
Urge your Members of Congress to Repeal the Medical Device Tax
As you may be aware, the ADA is supporting current efforts to permanently repeal the 2.3 percent medical device tax that was created by the Affordable Care Act. There is bipartisan support for such a repeal and we are coordinating grassroots and other outreach with like-minded proponents to push Congress to act on this permanent repeal before the end of the year.
The medical device tax could force manufacturers to offset that added cost by increasing prices for dental and other medical devices. This could not only negatively affect your practice, but that added cost could also be passed on to your patients, many of whom already have difficulty paying for basic dental care. Necessary dental devices are key to maintaining good overall oral health for many patients, and this tax could make obtaining those devices more cost prohibitive for patients who need them.
Please reach out to your Representative and Senators to urge them to support efforts to permanently repeal the medical device tax.
Thank you,