Gratitude in a Halloween-to-Christmas World
My to-do list includes adding parties to the calendar, scheduling Santa visits, buying presents, coordinating meals, putting up lights and ordering holiday cards. And of course dentists don’t get a break from this chaos at work. End-of-year means our patients are trying to squeeze in last-minute appointments and use up all of their benefits. The result is personal and professional pressure that is both mentally and physically draining.
When I was a kid, Thanksgiving felt like a season in its own right. But now it seems as though the Halloween decorations come down, the Christmas lights go up and Thanksgiving is reduced to a single day amidst the Christmas chaos. I don’t want to start a debate about when it’s socially acceptable to get out one’s Christmas decorations (you do you), but I do want to stress the importance of approaching this time of year with a spirit of thanksgiving. Allow yourself the space to truly stop and embrace the Thanksgiving season. Because when we are feeling stressed out, gratitude has the ability to change everything.
Gratitude is so powerful because it is the ultimate re-framer. If you are thinking, “I have to go to work, my treatment schedule is insane, I have to order my holiday cards, I have to buy so many presents...” consider reframing it through a lens of gratitude. Instead, say to yourself “I GET to go to work, I GET to treat patients, I GET to write cards, and I get to buy gifts for the people I love...” Gratitude can also help us filter out the trivial from the important. If something isn’t serving you or filling you up, maybe you can let it go. It’s okay to say no, slow down and take the time to focus on the things that really matter.
If you have been feeling the pressure to do all and be all during the holidays, I urge you to slow down and embrace Thanksgiving. Allow it to be more than a day. Reflect on things for which you are grateful. Even if your Christmas lights are already up, stop and allow Thanksgiving to be a season in your year. I’m wishing everyone a little less stress and a little more gratitude and joy. Happy Thanksgiving!