DCDS Inducts 2020-2021 Board Members via Zoom Meeting
For the first time in the long history of the Dallas County Dental Society, the Board of Directors changing of the guard took place electronically, rather than in person. Social distancing safeguards due to the Covid-19 pandemic prompted the induction of members into their new roles via a Zoom meeting.
Dr. Brad Crump, 2019-2020 DCDS President, gave the call to order, trailed by an invocation and induction of new members by Dr. Danette McNew. Following his induction as DCDS President for 2020-2021, Dr. Drew Vanderbrook spoke briefly, thanking Dr. Crump and exiting Board Members for their eventful year of service.
Pending COVID-19 restrictions, an in-person celebration of the new Board and recognition of exiting Board Members will take place Thursday, July 9, 2020 at the Hilton Dallas/Park Cities. Members who would like to attend can click here to register before July 1, 2020.
Below is the listing of the 2020-2021 DCDS Board of Directors, with new roles marked with an asterisk and the years they will serve in their role. Photos can be viewed by clicking here.
Drew Vanderbrook, DDS
*President (2020-2021)
Elizabeth (Missy) Jaynes, DDS, MS
*President-elect (2020-2021)
Brad Crump, DDS, MS
*Past President (2020-2021)
Andrew Read-Fuller, DDS, MD
*Secretary/Treasurer (2020-2022)
Jodi Danna, DDS
*Parliamentarian (2020-2021)
Mary Swift, DDS
*SWDC Chairman (2020-2021)
Shad Hattaway, DDS
*Editor (2020-2022)
Brent DeSutter, DDS
*Program Chairman (2020-2021)
Eduardo Tanur, DDS, MS
Director (2019-2022)
Antonio Berto, DDS
Director (2018-2021)
Jill Wade, DDS
Director (2018-2021)
Celeste Latham, DDS
Director (2019-2022)
Mitra Bolouri, DDS
*Director (2020-2023)
Gabby Dizon, DDS
*Director (2020-2023)
Amin Reza Heravi
*Texas A&M Undergraduate Student (2020-2021)
Jane D. Evans
Executive Director