April General Membership Meeting
Location: DCDS Executive Office
Address: 13633 Omega Rd, Dallas, TX, USA
Contact: Ashley Hawkins
Email: info@dcds.org
How to find us: DCDS and DCDS Dental Assisting School are located at 13633 Omega Road, Dallas, TX 75244. Event parking is available across Omega Road (in front of the building.)
Phone: 972-386-5741
A Practical Approach to Oral Cancer and OPMD's, a two-hour continuing education course, will be presented at this meeting by Paras Patel, DDS.
As oral cancer has received more publicity over recent decades, partly due to the evidence of Human Papillomavirus infection and its relationship to oropharyngeal cancer, the oral healthcare provider should feel comfortable about educating and discussing these topics with their patients. Our discussion will provide a brief overview of the statistics and predicted rates of both oral and orophayngeal cancer. We will go into brief detail about what populations are at risk as well as discuss the risk factors that contribute to the development of oral cancer. Additionally, and most importantly, we will identify the clinical characteristics of oral potentially malignant disorders and malignant lesions.
Member dentists, their staff and TAMUCOD students are free. Non-member dentists and their staff are $95. Pre-registration is required, whether your attendance is virtual or in person.
Register for in-person by clicking here.
Register for virtual by clicking here.
In-Person Reception: 6:00 p.m. (A full spread of food, sodas and bottled waters are served)
Business Meeting: 6:30 p.m. (Virtual meeting begins)
Presentation: 6:45 p.m. (Up to two hours of continuing education is provided)
Click here for printable flier.